Are they to be believed?

Can we trust the weather folks? They say that we'll have a high of 6 degrees today. Really? Should we get our hopes up again? Could Spring really have sprung? Should we think of putting our winter coats away or be safe and leave them in the cupboard until June just to be sure that it won't get to -27 like it was on Monday? I have to admit that yesterday turned out to be a fabulous running day. I went out at 1:00 for a run and had forgotten to bring gloves and really didn't need them. Tucked my hands inside my sleeves for about half of the run and then was fine afterwards. You know, I just don't get it. I run and while its not a permanent fixture on my face, I do smile a lot. There is a lot to smile about. The snow is melting, the sidewalks are clear, the view behind the Parliament buildings is gorgeous. People are out walking and running. Not one person yesterday did the hand wave. Usually at least one or two ...