Ode to the lady who seems to live at 99 Bank Street

This is the way to start off a Friday before vacation. Now, back to the Ode.... Ode to the lady 99 Bank Street. I see you at 7:00 a.m., 7:30 or 8:00 depending on when I get to the gym, sitting by the fountain (that they have thankfully turned off for the summer or the humidity would be brutal), You sit and read your book every morning, You munch on your breakfast, You seem to be in a special place, I return at 12:00, 12:30, 1:00 depending on the day and there you sit, Always at a different table than the morning, But still there you sit, Munching on your lunch, Drinking your chocolate milk, Reading your book, You are still there after I go for a run, occasionally lift weights (which make my arms hurt when I’m biking by the way), shower, change and return to work, Speaking of work, do you? Where do you work that you have such long lunch hours? Why do you come in so early every d...