Feet, feathers and food....welcome to Friday

I had a bus pilgrimage to the podiatrist yesterday which, I have to say, was pretty good for timing and much cheaper than paying $25 for parking. On the way back I noticed that the voice on the bus that tells you what stops are coming up seemed much louder than I am used to. I wonder if they crank up the volume when you are on a bus that is frequented by older people. Someday I will have to spend a day taking a bunch of different buses to see if my theory pans out. Also, how annoying is it that they try to bilingual everything. Cole - Cole; Woodroffe - Woodroffe. Seriously, I caught it the first time. I was quietly sitting, stealthily watching people get on the bus (I do have to learn to sit farther back so I get a view of more people), bouncing on my seat because Carling Avenue is pretty bumpy and out of the corner of my eye I see white feather floating down. Were there birds back there that I missed? Should I move ...