Windswept Wanda?

This woman needs to put a helmet on to protect her head and to keep her hair from becoming a tangled mess. This was me last night but sadly, less stylish. I hate gale force winds. That’s what the wind felt like on my ride home yesterday. Bad enough that it can be a bit of a slog in the afternoon (well, evening when I get out of work these days) but to have to bike with HUGE headwinds is so rude. Thanks Mother Nature. Have you ever noticed the different ways that people run. I saw a guy running yesterday and his legs and feet were so straight. He was on a mission. He had a terrific kick back too. Then there was the lady who did the side flip out when she was running. That seems like it would take a lot of energy to me. This morning there was a guy who I only saw briefly as I rode by but it seemed that he had something tied to his feet. It looked a little like plastic boats although I’m ...