When your life flashes before your eyes....swear...a lot

Finally, rain, much needed rain. I knew it would happen because I watered the garden yesterday. Not looking forward to my next water bill. At least today's rain will fill up my rain barrels. Welcome to Monday of a short work week. Best kind of week. Have you all got fun Canada Day plans? Picnics, fireworks, wandering around cute little towns. That's what our plans are and I can't wait to spend time with the family. It has been a while since everyone has been so busy. For those that didn't know, I was one step closer to Heaven this morning and I was not happy about it. Some idiot (I had much more colourful language for him at the time) decided to speed down Prince of Wales near Hog's Back and pass a car on the right. Now, you are not supposed to do that in the first place AND I WAS ON THE RIGHT. His car came so close. Jackass!! I'm sure wherever he was going was much more important than my life. ...