And the word of the day is Hakunamasquata

Another SpectacularHotSweatyAwesomeWishIWasatTheBeach day. Ladies, I have to tell you that you are missing a lot of shirtlessness along the canal these days. Maybe you all want to chip in and get me a Go Pro camera for my bike helmet so you can see some of the glistening awesomeness going on out there. Just putting it out there. Yesterday there was a couple sitting on a bench along the canal with a picnic basket and they were enjoying a glass of wine (in real glasses). Nice way to end a day. Steph, you need a picnic basket to go with your new blanket. Next was a man playing his guitar while sitting on a bench. He should have moved to a closer bench so he could serenade the couple. Mind you, I had my headphones in so he could have been playing something horrible for which they would be grateful not to have to hear. Then much glistening shirtlessness. Wish I could have done the same myself this morning. Whew but i...