I love Dead Fred. I would have way too much fun with one of these. Can't decide if I'm being cranky or if I am justified in my frustration. Meanwhile, I was waiting for the bus this morning and got a front row seat (standing actually) to a little a.m. drama. A young woman and her dad were dropped off at the bus and she noticed that she didn't have her wallet. . Daughter: "OH NO! I don't have any money for dinner tonight. Dad: You had money in your pocket. Daughter: Yes, but I put it in my wallet. [sounding a tad whiney at this point] Dad: Well, where did you leave your wallet? Daughter: I think in the car. It must be in the car. Sandra's thinking: Gee Dad, give her some money to get her dinner. Daughter: It must be in the car, that's mom calling me. (telephone conversation ensues) Mom drives back. Daughter haughtily checks car. No wallet. Daughter: "OH NO!" It mu...