Was pumped for the fight and then....

1998 What a good year. Jonathan was almost 2, Stephanie was 6 and we bought our first home. Our first house and we were scared and excited. So far 2017 has been a spectacular year. We are officially MORTGAGE FREE !! Now we know how Colonel Potter felt. In case you need to refresh your memory, it is Season 11 , Episode # 7 of M*A*S*H I was primed to go to the bank last week to fight them on the fees they charge to discharge a mortgage ($260 + filing fees) but when I got there, the woman was so nice that she said she would waive the fees before I even asked. Took the wind out of my sails I have to say. I’m still looking for a fight somewhere J . What happened in 1998? The closing for the house wasn't until January and unfortunately the ice storm happened in January. We lost power where we were renting. All we could think of was that the new house had gas and we could have at ...