Compression...the word of the day
Why is compression the word of the day you ask? Well, let me share my story. Today compression refers to me and not to the young ladies that I see running or biking without a proper sports bra on which makes a wardrobe malfunction an inevitability. I have a wonderfully colourful (mine is pink but I don't think you really want to see my sweaty clothing) Victoria Secret sports bra that I bought for running and it has been a dream. Key word is "has". What happens ladies when you lose a couple of pounds? You lose it off your boobs first right? My commute to work is very bumpy because the roads and paths are so bad in spots so the laws of physics (?) come into play and when there is extra space, things bounce. It is not a comfortable feeling. OMG - if this doesn't make you laugh, nothing would. So, ladies of a certain age, I know that you feel my pain and understand. To you younger ladies, I won't tell you what happens to your boo...