Day 1: Nutritional Journey Today I began a (better) nutritional journey – not a diet. I won’t say how long I’ve been dieting because then you might realize how old I am J , but it has been a long, long time. What do I have to show for it? A bad relationship with food and myself. Today this changes. It will be a long journey but hey, so was dieting and look where that got me. I have a fabulous, enthusiastic nutritionist on my side who is going to help me retrain my brain. Hmm, if the corn keeps peeling it could get quite scandalous. So how is Day 1 shaping up? I went to the gym. Yes, I WENT TO THE GYM before work. My brain kept thinking of all of the work on my desk but I defeated it and actually spent a little more than an hour on myself. Strolling into my office at 9:00 made me feel a little guilty (bad brain) but as my co-workers weren’t in yet, I have to stop feeling guilty. I know, I can he...