Gilligans Island 3 hour tour

Sunday was such a gorgeous day that I decided to take the opportunity to see how long it would take to bike to work from home. I took the Ottawa River Parkway downtown and oh, what an interesting ride it was. There are so many fabulous things to see that you can't see from a car.
This is the view of Westboro Beach. I can only imagine that the water is still pretty cold but there were some brave soles taking a dip. Pretty nice bike too eh?
Next along the path we had to stop and let the goose family cross the path. Such pretty little goslings. Warmed my heart to see that everyone stopped for them (but we don't do that on the Queensway folks!)
This pretty spot is just before the War Museum. The seagulls seem to have taken over the island but who can blame them with the gorgeous view.
Have you seen the Firefighters Memorial? It is across the road from the War Museum and is worth the visit. This guy is pointing at the wall that contains the names of the fallen firefighters. Coincidence that it can be found on Lett Street???
My journey downtown (with some stops to enjoy the view) took an hour and a half. After a brief stop for a beverage I continued my journey home by way of the Rideau Canal. I must have had too much sun at this point because even though I knew that I wanted to go by way of Carleton University I forgot to cross the bridge and ended up at Dow's Lake. It was getting very windy at this point which made biking a tad more difficult but these folks seemed to be enjoying their paddle boarding because they didn't need to paddle. I can't imagine how much work it was for them to turn around and go back. By the time I got to Hunt Club and Prince of Wales I have to admit that I was a bit tired and the wind was pretty ferocious. The WORST was Fallowfield which is a totally open area and I felt like for every turn of the wheel I wasn't making much progress.
All in all, a beautiful day to be out and a really good workout. It took me another hour and a half to get home which turned my adventure into a Gilligan's Island 3 Hour Tour. Next time I hope to have a team mate for my journey....I'll bribe him with lunch.
Montreal this weekend....just need to shake this cold....stupid time of the year to get a cold!
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