We are having a heat wave, a tropical heat wave

Apparently it is quite warm outside but I haven't had a chance to go out yet today so I'll just have to take everyone's word for it. I wanted to go out and warm my feet but alas it has been a busy day. The weekend was very busy and fun. We babysat Charlie (1) and Eddie (6) on Friday night and Saturday. Charlie is trying to walk so it made for an adenture. I had forgotten what it is like to not be able to sit down or do anything until little one's go for their nap. We went out for a walk on Saturday morning and Charlie fell asleep. I have to say that I walked very fast to get home so that he would sleep for a while and I could get some laundry going and do the breakfast dishes. We went to the park in the afternoon and both kids got so full of sand. It was a lot of fun filled with a lot of "no Charlie, don't eat sand" moments. I was very pooped by the time Saturday night came along. There are very valid reasons for ha...