Was that frost on the pumpkin this morning?
Nope – just ice on my fingers because it was
only 8° and biking it felt like
-8° with the wind chill. Brrrr.
I am going to have to rethink my morning biking wardrobe before tomorrow
because my oh my it was cold. Definitely
need gloves because even though my shirt had a hole for my thumbs, the ends of
my fingers froze. Definitely long pants
because my ankles were very cold and definitely warmer socks because I walked
funny after I got off my bike because my feet were like blocks of ice. And most definitely a jacket because a vest
just doesn’t do it. It’s very timely
that I bought a super cute and very reflecty pink jacket at the run expo on
How was your weekend? Busy,
fun, fabulous, all of them? Mine was
busy but with lots of fun as well. I
survived Saturday morning at Costco which is always a feat. Yesterday was the Army Run and although I
couldn’t do the half marathon like I had planned to in January the 5K felt like
just enough of a run for me. I am super
happy with my time of 30:26. It is quite
a feeling to participate in an event with 14,665 other people. It is such a well-planned event and seeing so
many uniforms just makes your heart go pitty pat. There were firefighters along the route, I
got high fived by someone in an astronaut costume, police were directing
traffic and of course, a ton of soldiers in uniform. Thank you everyone who made it such a
fabulous event to be a participant in.
It took 9 minutes to cross the start line and even then it
takes a kilometer to get people spread out enough that you can get around the
slower ones. One poor guy was about the
3km mark and was down on all fours throwing up.
Should have waited until after the run to have breakfast. Then there was the poor lady I saw about
4.5km who was wearing grey capris.
Remember what I said about grey?
Bad, bad, bad colour choice for any wet sport. She apparently decided not to stop at the
porta potty along the way and it seemed like she peed her pants. This was not sweat. Pretty gross and I’m sure very embarrassing
for her. Black, black, black is the way
to go and hmmmm, maybe Depends as well.
The biggest weekend stupidity: our neighbour Frank. I swear he thinks he can talk to Martians. This can't be legal. I don't think any of our neighbours were too happy to see the contraption that he added to the biggest tower of all time. Thank goodness we at least don't have it staring at us in our front window like many of the neighbours.
Last week was so busy that I didn’t get to share all of the
fun things that I encountered with you so here goes:
A skunk crossed the road in front of me on
Friday morning….is that like a black cat crossing your path (bad luck) or
should I consider it good luck that I didn’t bother it enough to get sprayed?
I heard a song on Dawg FM that was called
Facebook Woman. I tried to find the
words for you Sharon so you could substitute Man in there but couldn’t find them. It was pretty funny.
On the way home one warm day last week there
were hordes of students to navigate through both at Ottawa U and at
Carleton. Wished they walked a little
faster and in less than groups of 10.
There were a lot of guys fishing along the
canal. Kind of makes me queasy to think
of what is in there and I hope they throw them back.
On my trip to the Retina Clinic last week I
heard some of the most interesting tid bits:
“Is that a pirate?”; “Oh no, we lost Joyce.”; “I love watching cats…so agile”;
“the other cat is saying what? You didn’t bring me dinner.”; “What time is our
appointment? 11:00” [I’m thinking why are you here because it is only 9:30!] “Oh
boy, look at that goat!”. Took me a
minute to figure out that they were watching the TV – hahaha. The movies are kind of like animal stalker
movies. Poor things have cameras
watching their every move.
I overheard the receptionist say “Hello, how are
you today?” and the response was “I’m blind in one eye, that’s how.” Hahaha…it was an older man and he laughed so
at least he had a good sense of humour about it.
A woman got called for her turn and she got up
and said “I’ve been sitting so long I can’t get my legs to work right.” I’m thinking OMG I’ve been here 45 minutes,
how long was she here?
On the bus going back to work, while the folks
were not as interesting as I had hoped, there were a few: a woman who was in her early 60s I believe
had double earring holes – not a good look when your ears are hanging low; I
didn’t realize that bus passes were still a thing but apparently old folks
prefer them over Presto cards. A young
woman got on the bus (and this is 10:30 a.m.) with an ice cream drink. Seriously.
WAY too early in the day for that kind of sugary concoction I think.
The best was the woman who drew her eyebrows on
and they totally didn’t line up or match.
Why do old people take off their natural eyebrows and then try to draw
them on and they are so high on their forehead?
Please don’t let me ever do this.
Saw a guy wearing a Run DMC t-shirt. Does anyone even remember who they are?
Coming into the building when I got to work I
saw the guy that I was sure would be on the 85 bus. He only wore pants and he had them rolled up
to capris. They were hanging so low that
…. Well, it was quite a sight. His
tighty whities were no longer white and they were pretty thin and all in all it
was a horror show. He was being followed
by a security guard who I’m sure was going to encourage him to move along to
another building.
Oh, and I had an epiphany while standing on the
bus waiting to get off at my stop. I now
know why bus drivers can be grumpy. They
were really ugly black shoes and boots.
Why I don’t know. There are some
fabulous colours of boots out there to choose from. Go with burgundy or blue. Anyways, they have to sit there all day and
watch everyone who is wearing fabulous shoes.
I’d be pretty grumpy too. So next
time you encounter a grumpy driver let them know that you sympathize and tell
them about the lovely footwear choices out there that they could choose from.

May your Monday go like the wind. Have a great day.
I wonder if the ducks play hide and seek in the fog.
It was hard to see my favourite spot at the Experimental Farm this morning.
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