My trip down memory lane
I've been in the organizing mood lately. I've been going through boxes in the basement and cleaning out closets. Always a interesting trip down memory lane. This weekend it was a fun trip finding these pictures of the kids.

As you can see, we were great fans of playing dress up.
This letter is pretty funny. Who knew that back Steph's day technology was so new. We also didn't know that this would lead to a whole career for her during her university days.
I had totally forgotten about how wonderful my sense of humour was during my early days at Nordion. Although it may have just been that I was very tired in those early days. I worked until midnight one evening and decided to leave a little something for my co-workers for when they arrived the next morning. I don't think my current employers would get such a kick out of it unfortunately.
Did anyone notice that I put heels on the dead body? If you are going to go, best to go in nice shoes.
I can't believe that I decided not to bring my shorts in today. It looks like it would be a perfect day to go outside for a shorts run. Sigh............
You should have brought your shorts..... just got back from my walk/run..... it is beautiful out.... a little gusty but beautiful.